Buy a Sex Doll from XY Doll – Sex Doll Unboxing

As some of you already know, I bought a sex doll from the brand XY Doll, a brand that is strongly committed to those known as hybrid sex dolls, which combine a silicone head with a TPE body.

This post is the continuation of the Part, in which I placed the order and was waiting for the arrival of the package.

Well, the doll arrived safe and sound, and now here I will show the unboxing (unboxed doll). In this way, you will be able to see the process first hand and live the emotion with me.

Unboxing sex doll Riley

For all lovers of sex dolls This is one of the most exciting moments, the curiosity of opening the box and seeing its contents for the first time. If you haven't yet bought a sex doll but you are willing to do it, follow me throughout this process of unpacking the sex doll and you will see that it will help you to dispel your doubts, and I even invite you to buy in our store with the best offers.

My doll Riley 148cm from today becomes a sex doll representative of Remember that in the order I have customized some characteristics such as skin color, wig and eye color.

As can be seen, the brand XY Doll cares a lot about the box packaging. The doll comes as protected as possible with polystyrene and a well-packed thick cardboard box.

In this way its content could resist any common hostility during the trip. As you can see, the box suffered some damage (the most serious was a hole at the level of the belly, near the vagina); however, Riley has not been injured.

I found absolutely no damage to the sex doll after unpacking it. A point in favor of XY Doll for ensuring good packaging!

Riley's head

Continuing with the unboxing, we find inside the accessories and extra content. I mean the irrigator to clean the orifices, the USB heater (to heat the orifices), the wig, a comb and a sexy piece of lingerie.

Behind all that, there is the head of the doll. She came wrapped in a cloth bag and her face was well protected with a hard plastic mask.

Are you impressed by the realism of the face? It looks spectacular, right? This is the characteristic of silicone, so let's remember that the hybrid sex dolls They consist of the combination of a TPE body with a silicone head. This is something that characterizes the brand XY Doll.

The disadvantage that silicone has is its hardness, since it is a material specially oriented towards visual realism, and not to touch.

As a consequence, this also makes it difficult to polish the areas where the two halves of the doll meet during its manufacture. Look at the third photo and you will see that a line crosses the middle of the head. This is common for all wrists, but easier to hide when it comes to the soft TPE material.

In the following video you can see the hardness of his lips, nose and ears. Silicone isn't hard at all, but it takes away from the soft skin experience.

It goes without saying that the mouth in the case of silicone it is not an orifice designed to be penetrable.

Riley's body

The body of sex dolls is becoming more and more realistic, especially when it comes to quality brand designs. XY Doll he even hires real female models and then draws on their nude bodies when creating the casts.

In this case, the sex doll Riley has measurements that are intended to be generous, but that seek not to exceed in size and height so as not to weigh too much.

There is one aspect of the brand that stands out XY Doll that I already commented in the previous post, and it is about the realistic makeup they add to the body.

This semi-permanent makeup consists of adding a redder skin tone in certain areas of the body such as joints, as well as drawing veins on the skin. These veins can be seen especially on the breasts, the thighs of the legs, and on the hands.

In the following images you can better appreciate these veins in the hands:

This realistic makeup is optional and therefore has an extra cost of approximately 200 euros.

Is realistic makeup recommended for the sex doll? It depends on you and what you are going to use it for. Being more of a visual aspect, if you like photography and plan to use your sex doll for this, then it might suit you.

However, the supplier of the brand XY Doll with which we have contact was very honest when telling us that this makeup can be erased over time If the doll is used a lot.


And, continuing with the hands, it is known that today there are two types of metallic skeleton for the fingers of the hands. Until now, the most common is that this part of the skeleton is composed of some medium thick wires, which can be flexed to either side with ease.

But lately, quality brands are implementing the option to pay more for hands with a skeleton that mimics the correct movement of the fingers, and this option is called "articulated fingers".

In my case, it was completely overlooked and I did not request this addition, so my Riley has fingers made of wire. And in the following video you can see an example of its movement:

The feet

I know that this part of the body of a sex doll is of great importance for podophiles or foot fetishists.

Manufacturers of quality brands take this into account, but sometimes it is very difficult to satisfy a true lover of feet.

In my case, I'm not a fan of it, so I guess I'm a pushover.

In any case, we can see the special care that the manufacturers of the brand put XY Doll in protecting these extremities:

And this care is due to the feet of a sex doll are a delicate limb. Their fingers, unlike those of the hands, do not usually have a skeleton or wires, and also the feet are the support of the entire body. If during the shipping route the carriers decide to put the package upright, they could be damaged.

Once the feet are unwrapped, we see that they are well detailed. The sole of each foot shows the wrinkles typical of all human feet; and the upper part also has veins drawn, although the latter is already an optional addition.

Riley's breasts

Riley sex doll's breasts are considered large in proportion to her body size. Use a bra size D cup (D-Cup).

As our supplier told us (and confirmed by the factory manager), the sex dolls of XY Doll They include a bit of gel inside the breasts without the need for you to request it in your order.. This ensures that the doll's breasts are a little softer.

Watch me play with them:

And this is how the whole body looks

Unboxing finished. Now we adjust the head to the body and add a wig. But how beautiful! He looks like a real person!

To join the head with the body, you don't have to do much, it just wraps around the neck. As you twist it further, the doll will have less of a neck, so you can play with the height to your liking.

XY Doll It provides a connector to screw, and the cavity is universal (most brands use the same size), so you can use any other head from another brand of sex dolls.

Once installed, the head can be turned without difficulty. Check it out in the following video:

And here you can see Riley's full body, a customized sex doll, ready for action!

Remember that once you unpack your doll, it is advisable give it a bath to clean it of factory waste, and then add a generous layer of talc to your body to absorb moisture from the TPE and give your skin a smoother effect.

Follow these important tips for caring for a sex doll.

Analysis of the body of the sex doll Riley

Next, before bathing her, let's see a little more about the body of my sex doll Riley, and also the most intimate areas...

One aspect that should be highlighted in the design of this sex doll is its long legs. Although her height is only 148cm, the length of her legs makes her more attractive. Although the size of her hands and feet is small, everything is proportional to her height.

And in the following image you can see the extra makeup added to the body of my custom sex doll: the veins on the thighs and a reddish tan added to each hamstring, the part opposite the knees.

Riley's vagina

Let's focus on the vagina, since after all a sex doll must be specialized in this part, and must be designed anatomically correct to perform the sexual act comfortably.

First of all, one thing that drew me to Riley's design of XY Doll It is the vulva, because unlike most sex dolls, in this case they have emphasized the labia majora.

Every woman is different and every vulva too. Although it is common for the labia minora or inner labia to protrude, there are many women whose labia majora or outer labia are more prominent than their smaller siblings.

However, by focusing on this aspect, they have not added clitoris. But in any case, Riley has a very sexy vulva.

Is the vagina well located?

This is important because when performing various positions, the location of the vagina should facilitate sexual practice.

This is something highly demanded by sex doll users. in recent years, but luckily quality sex doll brands have been able to fill this need.

The placement of the vagina is known in English as LHP (Love Hole Placement), it is a term that you will see very often in English-speaking sex doll forums such as The Doll Forum. The demand was mainly to be able to have uncomplicated sex in the puppy pose.

And if we put Riley in the doggy position, we can see that her vagina remains perfectly positioned for penetration. So when doing the doggy style, the hole of the anus, which is also penetrable, is not the only one that can be enjoyed.

Again, the TPE of XY Doll It is semi-soft, which makes it perfect for its durability after using it for sexual intercourse and changing clothes numerous times. I, Goodman, I guarantee that These quality dolls can last you intact for several years even if you use them. If not, its price would be much lower.

The breasts are the softest part of the body because they contain a bit of gel inside, but the buttocks are also a delight:

End of unboxing and a gift for you

And that's it. Thank you for following me in this exciting unboxing of the custom sex doll Riley, who now becomes another member of the team of SexDollsYRelatos. I hope I have inspired you to have your own lifelike love doll, don't forget that you can trust my sales team to make your sexual fantasy come true.

And for having read this post until the end, I want to give you a gift. Use the coupon code GIFTOXYDOLL to obtain a discount of 100 euros on any product of the brand XY Doll available in our store.

Do you want your own Riley? Or do you prefer another of the beauties of this respectable brand? Whatever it is, with this coupon you will have your hybrid sex doll even cheaper!

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